The Fivecoat Consulting Group

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The Synchronization Meeting (#8)

In the management of a crisis, it is challenging to keep you and your team up to date on the latest information and guidance. Implementing a daily synchronization meeting will help keep your team operating on the latest information, aligned, and connected. In Iraq and Afghanistan, the units I was part of all did a daily synchronization meeting to help increase their situational understanding and alignment. In today’s coronavirus crisis, things are moving fast. A daily, bi-weekly, or weekly synchronization meeting can help you and your team get your arms around it, as well as help your communications.

It’s simple to put together — just block a regular 30 minute meeting time, find a facilitator (not the leader), and try this format:

1) Situation Update

Disease Update — Local/State/National

Local/State/National Government Actions

New information from higher in the organization

Organization/Company/Team Status — Dashboard

2) Revisit Mission/Leader’s Intent/Vision for the crisis

3) Direct Report Actions

Last 24 hours

Next 24 hours

Questions/Concerns/Assistance needed

4) Leader’s Guidance/Thoughts

Once you get the meeting established, there are three things you can do to take it to the next level. First, you must keep the meeting’s focus on the next 24 hours, so there is value added to all who attend (it is easy to get caught up in the past). For the leader, his or her challenge is to use this meeting as an opportunity to have engaging conversations with the team. You should strive for input and discussion, especially during the “Direct Report Actions Over the Next 24 Hours” portion. Finally, opening it up to two levels down can help you over communicate to the team, as well as increase the alignment and connectivity of your organization.

If you need help getting this going with your team send me a note and I can help with a draft slide deck or pointers.